How to get into an entry level HR role

When you look at all the experience and education many HR roles require, it’s easy to feel discouraged. If you’re patient and willing to learn on the…

How to bounce back after a career break

Almost one million Australians lost their job in the wake of the pandemic. Between lockdowns, restrictions, homeschooling, and other caring…

Corporate wage theft: why it happens and how to prevent it

Here’s an overview of the current issues around corporate wage theft, what’s causing the underpayments, and how you can stop wage theft in your…

Why hire a contractor

Are you running to the finish line but there are simply too many hurdles? This is a situation many people find themselves in as the end of the year…

Why you need a brand identity (and how to build one)

To stand out in the job market, you need a strong personal brand – here’s what you need to know about shaping your own brand identity.

How to start a new job remotely

Starting a new job always comes with a fair dose of excitement and uncertainty. You’ll meet new people, learn about the company culture, and get a…

How to nail that senior interview

No matter how well-qualified you are, if you aren’t able to express why you’re a good fit for the role, you’re not giving hiring managers a…

Negative language women use

Your voice is powerful. What you say has a significant impact on how you are perceived by others, which, in turn, influences the doors that open to…